Detox: At our Holistic drug addiction treatment center, we have a unique detoxification process. All our doctors have a long experience in detoxification of addicts who are addicted to various substances. This is also known as the Acute withdrawal phase Detoxification, will be very gentle and thorough. All medicines which are administered during detoxification are tapered off. The duration is normally around a week to 10 days depending on the constitution of the body, since it differs from person to person. Which when the client is stable and comfortable, he will enter the holistic part of the detoxification. This will include herbs, vitamins, steam baths, whirlpool massage and acupuncture. This is not meant to be fancy but to truly cleanse the body of all drugs. This is done to create clarity of mind, body, and spirit.
Phase One: Clients begin Phase 1 with a psychological evaluation and thorough assessment to determine their strengths and weaknesses. The average duration of stay for the drug and alcohol treatment is 15 days of detoxification and then 90 days of rehabilitation (subject to certain changes depending on the individual cases). Each client is treated with dignity. The addiction treatment team assesses each individual's specific needs and guides them into one or more of our specialty groups. Phase 1 is a continuation of primary care on an intensive level. The full schedule includes: individual and group therapy, family therapy, lectures, balanced nutrition, fitness activities (such as weightlifting, karate, tai-chi and yoga), meditation and spirituality, bio-feedback, acupuncture, recreation and fun, daily support groups and fellowship (AA, OA, NA, etc.), vocational and educational assistance, and job placement, and liaisons with courts and probation officers.
Phase Two: Phase 2 is the transitional part of our program. Completing Phase 1 at the drug addiction treatment center, the client is ready to return to the workforce. This can be both stressful and threatening. Considering this we gently ease the client back into the community by helping with job placement. Identifying difficulties, and assisting the client in problem solving. For the next 45 days, clients work in the daytime and receive drug and alcohol treatment on evenings and weekends. They also attend the various support groups daily to ensure a smooth transition into the community.
Phase Three: The aftercare component is our third level of addiction treatment. Clients return once a week for one year, at no charge. Our trained professionals monitor each client's aftercare plan, revising and updating as necessary, with the focus on relapse prevention and problem solving. If the client has a great deal of difficulty adjusting, the treatment team is notified and if need be the client is asked to return for an additional treatment. For out-of-towners, aftercare is coordinated with point of origin.
Nutrition and Physical Fitness: Holistic counseling knows that Nutrition and Physical Fitness go hand in hand and are essential to recovery. Each client will receive weekly lectures from our nutritionist along with an individually tailored program to meet the client's specific needs. Every exercise program will be supervised by our specialist to assure compliance. Our goal is to assist our clients to get into the best physical condition that is medically possible.